Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 17 - A letter to someone from my childhood

I remembered when I was only five or six then, I have this friend, a friend who was my childhood sweetheart. He's really adorable then, that I remembered vividly. The girls in the class would always surround him, probably I was the only exception. You wouldn't believe that I was really an introvet and I was just too shy to even talk to him. I remembered that there was once, he offered help to me when I was struggling with something (which I don't know what it was) and I was so damn happy. Well, the sad part of this is I couldn't remember his name, not even any clues of it but I remember his looks and which primary school he attended. Hopefully, I'll bump into him someday which hasn't been the case for around ten years when he almost got knocked down by my dad's car then. 


Monday blues definitely, my grades totally caught me appalled and never did I expect that I'd be failing any modules especially macro econs. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise so I'll just study harder for two modules for the next two months. Sigh I know... but sometimes trying your very best wouldn't turn out best too. 

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