Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 10 - A letter to someone I don't talk to as much as I'd like to

Dear you, I can't put this into words. I typed and I backspaced, typed again and backspaced again, thinking of what to write to you. You - probably someone whom I've never thought I'd miss when we didn't talk anymore. Just when I realized that we stopped chatting for that few months, it reminded me of how close we were in the past. We could joke, laugh and disturb each other like we don't have to apologize even if we used the most unglam words. You were always there until that period when we started to drift apart and became distant. You understood me like no one else does, or rather I'm amazed that you could read me. When I'm feeling down, you know it instantly without me telling you, you could feel it. However everything is different now. Although we still chat now, it's just not the same. I often wonder if all these happen for a reason, wonder if I could have a time machine to remake a decision and that things will not be like now... distant. I want to talk to you, wholeheartedly. I want to talk to you as much as before because you're someone I treasure, very much.


P.S: I've skipped some days for the letter as I've no idea of what to write so 20 letters more to go, hopefully I'll be able to accomplish it. So stay tuned!

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