Friday, January 31, 2014

Genuine or fake

As you know, as we grow older, we get to meet different kinds of people from all walks of life. It began with school, then getting a part time job to settling for a full time or permanent one. Some people remain positive in people whom they meet, but some just can't. For me, I'm somewhere in the middle.

Pardon me for being blunt, but I do feel if you don't judge, you're superficial. And I'm pretty sure most people out there don't like to be judged either, correct me if I'm wrong, but who likes to be judged? Almost nobody.

Now let's talk about genuine or fake people. 

I've read an article quoting, "A friendship which lasts more than 7 years is a true friendship." Do you agree or beg to differ? I'm sure everyone has their own stories. Least for me, I agree because I have a clique of girlfriends who are always there for me, being genuine and true, not judging you. Not only that, a number of others whom I know for more than 7 years are sincere as well. These are the friends whom you don't contact or meet up often, but secretly always caring for you. These are the friends whom like you for who you are and even if they dislike a certain part of you (just because this is your character), they make you grow and they grow together with you. This is the friendship which will never drift apart irregardless of time limitation.

Now the fake ones, or rather I should say people who ain't genuine at all. Let me say first, they are not friends at all. These are the people who make friends with you just because they want some benefits from you. These are the people who judge you for things you do, be it good or bad. These are the people who tell you something, and do another and this is what I name as, hypocrisy. These are also the people who won't be there for you when you need some support. These are also the people who act as though they like you a lot, treasure you as a friend but in actual fact, they don't at all.

I know I've to face how vicious reality works and I know I've to learn to just trust a few. Like what my best friend told me, just accept that there are a lot of superficial people around. Pardon me again for being blunt, but I'm this straightforward, don't expect me to give you the slightest respect when you don't because you don't deserve it.

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