Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today is not the end, it's the beginning

"If today isn’t an end, and it isn’t, then it is a beginning. What will you start? Don’t let the answer be nothing and don’t let it be anything; make sure it is something exact, something big. Today is the day for starting something big. 

 All the things you’ve wanted to do, all the things you’ve wanted to say, all the places you’ve wanted to go, all the things you’ve wanted to see, all the beauty you’ve wanted to make and all the things you've wanted to be. 

 Today is the day you fall for your demons, with what haunts you. Because only when you learn to love your dark can you begin to shine your light, and only when you shine your light can you begin becoming, and only when you begin becoming can you be consistently alive and in love, the kind of person you’ve always wanted to be. 

 Today is the day you are brave and sit alone in the cold black night with your fears; tomorrow the sun will rise and you will be warm."


  1. If today is the end. But has not yet to happen, then we should take it that it has happen and a new begin it will become. Leave the life of the past and live the life of the future. Throw away bad habits and acquire the new. Building your brighter future Starts of with You.

