Thursday, December 13, 2012


There was saying, 'you tend to sleep more when you're sad' so does that mean that I'm sad because I've been sleeping a lot or rather I've been wanting to sleep more these days. Maybe I'm, this part of me, which is sad though I don't know the reason. 

Anyway this is why I'm still wide awake at this hour, updating this mundane space of mine. Recently I've lost all motivations to study, work and learn piano, in fact almost anything I do. I just feel like cooping myself in the room and face the four walls the whole day, just like what I did today. Nothing was on my mind and there was nothing I'm anticipating to. Yes it's a festive month and it was 12/12/12 which I find rather cliche and I should be happy and look forward to something exciting but nothing seems to be, maybe excluding this upcoming weekend when I get to meet my girlfriends and NYE when I can finally take a five good days getaway from this little dot. 

Just probably, too tired.


  1. Maybe sometimes we all just need a lil tranquility for the soul :)

  2. Hi darren, I'm surprised to see your comment here and yeah I guess I really need that!
