Monday, September 24, 2012


I thought I should probably do a reality check on the current life. A week of school lessons had passed in a blink of an eye and I didn't quite like some of the classes as I thought I'd. Like sociology and hrm, they are so theory-based and worse off, I had no friends to start off with in those lectures and till now, I only made a friend in soci lecture and still alone in hrm. I don't mind being alone but you see, there won't be any motivation to stay awake for three torturing hours. 

In a few minutes time, it will be tuesday blues. Let me tell you the reason why I abhor tuesday so much and that's because I chose two lectures from 8.30 to 3 and have piano lesson from 5.30 to 8! Call me foolish but this would be the efficient and that I can save a lot of time on traveling around.

Shall end this with a quote which I really like, "keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."

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