Sunday, November 25, 2012

They say assumption kills but they are mostly right

Today was probably one of the better days this week, when I finally stepped out of house and enjoyed myself with the lovely divided PTs. Do stay tuned to the next post for more visuals! Shall keep this post short and sweet because I've a lot of things undone, piano theory + practice and school assignment (which is ungraded!?!) and I don't feel like completing it but what to do.

And yes, my emotions had gotten the better of me this week. I know it's the matter of choices, and how you choose to handle it so now I'd tell myself that certain things happen for a reason and I must learn how to forgive and forget even though I still can't quite comprehend why are there such people existing in this world who would do anything for own self benefits, even if what they did will harm the innocents. That's the sad cruel truth, these people exist. It's probably not too late that I've come to realize you're just one of those, who has made use of my kindness. Somehow I'm hoping you know that this is for you because it's time you should wake up.


  1. From reading your blog I couldn't help but think that we are so alike, for example the jolly side that I usually have in front of others and the rare occasional emo side which people couldn't even tell when they are around me. i have been doing stuffs like pulling all of my lazy friends to complete projects and ended up having all the burden on me while i could have easily join the hardworking group and get an A easily, it happened in Poly and it happened now in NS too. but well they are still my friends so i would never abandoned them but i do hope they wake up soon. But in the end it is our kindness that enable us to succeed and excel :) cause we have been doing all the work ourself

  2. Yeah I hope you will feel better like how I told myself to too, it's always better to keep an open mind and look at the brighter side (: Thank you anyway!

  3. :) thanks! you too!
