Friday, August 10, 2012

Days like these

Lying on the comfy bed and updating this mundane space through iphone. Fatigue's kicking in due to massively long working shifts/days since the day I got back from overseas. During the free days, I'd just love to snuggle my day through surfing the net, reading up thought catalogs, explore youtube or even just day-dream. Basically I'm losing the momentum to work and the only motivation that keeps me going on is my next getaway and gotta work as much as possible before the cut off date. Days like these... I just gotta hang in there and persevere on.


  1. Jia-You! Don't think too much about the work, it will soon be gone. No worry, be happy ok? Time to say 'GoodNite'! haha. :)

  2. Yeap I will just hang in there, thank you (:
