Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The story left untold

So much more to say 
Suspended in the air between the truth and right to place 
Spilling over everything 
Before you slip away 
Before you slip away from me, slow down

 One paper down (at last) but I'm quite speechless about this law paper because what most of us focused on didn't come out in the end? What had come out was the unexpected. I'm really hoping I'll pass this paper. And in less than 12 hours, it's my another high-strung moment. Honestly speaking, I'm really not confident in fairing well for this piano exam (I wish I can sigh right now, but no, I'm not gonna kill angels).

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday blues and torturous week

Today I finally surrendered myself to fate and consulted the doctor about my eyes which will turn red for no reason and feel irritated. Apparently, he said that it's nothing serious and it's probably due to my contact lenses. I'm just hoping that my eyes will be fine tomorrow. 

Back on track, I can't wait for this tormenting week to end.

Wednesday - Business law paper
Thursday - Piano exam
Saturday - Macroeconomics paper 

Three exams may seem like nothing but it's really insane especially when it comes to piano. It's not just playing three exam pieces but there are more components to it, scales/arpeggios, sight-read and aural. I really need more motivation to survive through this week.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

When you grow up

Drawing pictures with some chalk 
Raindrops wash it from the walk 
Summer days it never ends 

Spin the bottle on the ground 
Watch it turning round and round 
Maybe he will be my friend 

When you grow up, what kind of girl will you be? 
Oh, what will you be?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My nest

Pieced this fav puzzle when I was younger

My collection of magnificent quotes

What I'd do when a saturday bores me out.

It'd be perfect - Breakfast in bed. Pyjamas. Messy hair. Snuggle. Series of shows. Piano and guitar. Peanut butter cups and redondo. B&J's ice-cream and caramel custurd pudding. Day-dream. Afternoon nap. Studying and mugging. Reading and memorizing. Pre-exam stress. 

Friday, February 24, 2012


Firstly, I wanna say a big thank you to all my readers. Even though I may not know some of y'all in reality but I'm really very touched that some actually made the effort to tell me that this space of mine is inspiring. Y'know sometimes it's just this kinda thing which will make your day. I really do appreciate it alot (:


People say, expectation often kills but I beg to differ. I personally feel that expectations will usually bring you to a higher level. Yes I wouldn't deny that there's a tendency of getting disappointment but how will you achieve a goal or something when you don't even set an expectation for yourself? It's probably a tough choice if someone was to ask you, 'would you rather expect and may get disappointed or don't expect and definitely will not get disappointed?'.

Well, I guess this would be a better way to express it - Expect something good to happen to you today, no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Running in circles

Three chapters of business law
Three piano exam pieces
Uncountable scales and arpeggios
 Home-cooked fried rice
Redondo's cookies&cream wafers
B&J's chocolate fudge brownie ice-cream
Random strumming of acoustic
Non-stop dreaming of traveling

Basically these were what I did and had today, just another day I guess. Early morning for me tomorrow so I'm gonna hit the sack soon and shall end this post with this quote I found in my (very long ago) blog which makes alot of sense, 'failure is not the worst thing, worst thing is not to try'.

Till then, x.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Walking on water

Like we were walking on water for so long
I didn't notice waves crashing over

Matt Cardle sings amazing songs indeed.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Life's getting uphill and my body is really wearing out...

I know I should be doing something productive instead of ranting here but yeah maybe it will make me feel better. Law, macro econs papers and piano exam falling on the same week seriously ain't a joke. Less than two more weeks to go, I'll survive this. I definitely will. 


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Two day of jollies

TCC and udders with ex-colleagues on thursday night.

Retail therapy, kazokutei (satisfied my craving for soba again hehe) and jco with maryann on friday :>

Dead beat

It really doesn't feel like it's gonna be a saturday tomorrow (or actually later) cause I had so much fun for the past few days! Stay tuned for the next post as I'm really too exhausted to update this space now, plus the fact that I'm working A shift tomorrow (dreads) but free ride to work tomorrow yippee yay which means I can wake up slightly later than usual! 

Okay... I'm waiting for my hair to dry up now so that I can hit the sack. Till then xoxo.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 signs he's the right one for you

I randomly read this at thought catalog and found it really interesting and would like to share with all of y'all :> Anyway girls are the targetted audience but I suppose it may be applied to guys as well (but on another hand, maybe not).


Wish as we might and despite what romantic comedies would have you believed, there is no magical answer to finding the perfect mate. Discovering if someone is the right one for you usually takes some time. Although we may wish to act solely on instinct which can be helpful in determining if he is the right one, it is important to give it time before reaching that final decision.

While there is no set-in-stone policy for finding love, there are 5 signs you can use to determine if he is the one.

Sign #1 He is the right one – You respect one another

When it comes to figuring out if he is the right one, respect should be at the top of the list. Respect is also something that should go both ways. He should respect you and you should respect him, in turn.
You can tell he respects you when:
  • He is willing to compromise.
  • He listens to your concerns and feelings.
  • He notices when something is wrong and asks you about it.
  • He values your opinion.
  • He appreciates you.
  • He is genuinely happy for you when you succeed.

Sign #2 He is the right one – He has the qualities you’re looking for

Ideally, you should know ahead of time what qualities are important to you in a mate. Trying to figure it out after the fact can lead to serious problems. If you have a good idea of the qualities you are looking for, the ones that are the most important, it will help you determine if he is the right one.

It helps to write a list. Select at least 10 qualities you are looking for in a man. Put that list in the order of importance. Take a serious look at the list and cross off any qualities that aren’t so important. Some qualities are probably negotiable. If that is the case, they can likely be removed from the list. The idea is to get down to at least the top 5 non-negotiable qualities that you are looking for.

 All of this must be done by keeping 2 important things in your mind. First, no one is perfect. If you are looking for Mr. Perfect, you might as well stop looking and recognize that perfection simply doesn’t exist. With that in mind, know that you don’t have to just “settle” for “good enough.” You want to have the confidence of knowing that he is not someone you have simply settled for but he is the right one for you. The list of qualities you are looking for will help determine that.

Compare your list of top 5 non-negotiable traits and compare it to the man in question. Remember, these were non-negotiable qualities that you selected, so if he doesn’t fit all of them, there is a good chance that he is not the right one for you. It’s surprisingly easy to fall into the trap of trying to change your standards, but you should never change your standards to fit someone else. You can’t make someone be who they aren’t.

If he meets every one of your non-negotiable qualities, chances are good that he may be the right one for you.

Sign #3 He is the right one – You share the same values

What do you value most? What values make up the life you have chosen to live? These are important questions to ask yourself, as they will help determine if he is the right one for you. Values are usually in-line with those non-negotiable items that will give you a clue as to whether or not he is the right one. If you don’t share the same values, consider that to be a red flag.

An important factor to consider is if you find yourself compromising your values for him. Values really make up who we are. If you are changing your values in order to please someone else, then you are essentially trying to change yourself and that is never a good sign in a relationship!

Values are something that should be discussed ahead of time. Don’t guess at what he values most in life, ask him! If he doesn’t seem to have any values, or he can’t articulate them, that might be another red flag to look for. A man of real substance is flexible, but will possess firm, well-reasoned values.

Sign #4 He is the right one – Your intuition tells you

Your intuition should never be ignored. At the same time, it should never be the deciding factor. Your intuition should serve as a guide, something you rely on when considering whether or not he is the right one.

Intuition is more than just how physically attracted you are towards him. It goes beyond that to a place deep inside where you just seem to “know.” It’s usually just a sense or a feeling that this person is the right one.

Whether your instincts are saying he is or isn’t the one, it’s an important consideration. Many times our instincts are right. Of course, our best instincts can be wrong and someone can present themselves to be something that they are not. This is why intuition is only one sign to consider in determining if he is the right one for you. 

Sign #5 He is the right one – You can be yourself with him

You will not be appreciated or valued by a man who tries to change you or who cannot love you, flaws and all. So if you can be who you are when you are with him, he might just be the right one for you. This means he not only accepts the good in you, but also your weaknesses and faults. When you can be yourself, you will experience a sense of freedom. You will have confidence in knowing that he accepts you just as you are.

When taking these 5 signs into consideration, you will have a good idea if he is actually the right guy for you. 

So girls, have you found your mr right?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Monday, February 13, 2012

Little bits and pieces

I finally got my lappy repaired after so so so long!! 

My all time fav <3 I could really eat them all right now.

Juliana <3

Jamie <3 

 All pictures taken using path, add me up at michelle dilys teo if you do have path (:

Although I've no idea what's the big deal about valentine's day and why are people getting exceptionally upset (for those who are single) or happy (for those who are happily attached)... I still wish everyone happy valentine's day. Cliche much but yeah, well wishes still. 

Tuesday blues after monday blues, I'll be celebrating it by having piano lesson which will be damn exasperating right now due to my upcoming exams. Just why on earth does my piano exam have to fall on the same week as my school exams? Three more weeks to go, I'll suck it up till then.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My lovelies

7 years of friendship and still counting on. I love you girls alot <3