Sunday, September 25, 2011


How do you define whether you're really in love? People said, there's no definition when you're in love, there's no reason to why you're in love, you can't possibly explain it. I agree but how do you really know whether you're really in love? I've come to realize that everyone is actually everyone's rebound. Everyone somehow needs someone else to completely get over one or rather the memories, whether it's unintentional or vice versa. This is the cruel truth but not a harsh fact because I believe people fall in love in between that. You may be in love with even a rebound whom you don't even know that you've treated one as. How ludicrous can all these get? But face it, suck it up, there are definitely more for us to realize in this callous reality.

Just fyi, that was just my random thoughts (not refering to any particular one).

Back on track, my holiday is just as expected, not that exciting besides retail therapy which I miss alot. It's the cycle of working, having piano lessons, chilling out with friends, a teeny weeny bit of shopping (cause I'm pretty broke right now sigh) and yes nonstop of drama series. Oh and I just did facial today which means it's another stay home day tomorrow. Vampire diaries is calling me, till then x.

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