Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reality check

Hi folks, as you can see I haven't been updating much about my current social life (which I doubt it even is) so I'm gonna do a swift one.

1. Bridging class for UOL ended yesterday! That simply means exam is coming, stress.
2. A week of study break but I plotted shifts a few weeks back so time management for work and studies or maybe a little fun has to be really well planned.
3. Have been studying both micro and macro econs bit by bit every single day and it's literally killing me, swear I can never like not even to say love econs goodness whoever came out with all these econs theories, I really salute you no.

In conclusion, I simply have no social life besides studying and working. Simply can't wait for another week more when the holiday is going to greet me again, priscilla's birthday celebration > uol orientation day > bangkok trip > orientation camp (still contemplating) > more outings/gatherings > taiwan trip!! Alright, back to the lecture notes till then.


  1. Replies
    1. Still quite some time from now, beginning of sept!

  2. What happen to your social life? Haha don't you still meetup with evelyn or your sp friends? :)

    1. I still do meet them but not much recently as I've to study ):
